1990 |
Private Theatricals: Morning, Noon
& Night |
1989 |
Dog Plays |
Wild (Person, Tense) Dog |
The Deploration of Rover |
Hold |
1987 |
Come Again |
1985-86 |
Pigman |
1985 |
Madeleine de Lucien |
1985 |
Jerker or the Helping Hand |
1984 |
Beatitudes |
1983 |
Nocturnes |
1983 |
Night Sweat |
1981-84 |
Miscellaneous One Act Play |
A Dog’s Life |
Maggie’s Play |
Somebody’s Little Boy |
The Lost Doll |
Laughter and Tears |
Et Tu, Lesbo |
(A Libretto) |
1981 |
Stray Dog Story |
1981 |
Hell, I Love You
Breaking Up: Fragments |
1979-82 |
Fuck the Holidays
(One-act plays) |
Happy V.D. |
April First |
Arbor Day |
Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts |
The Scream |
A Christmas Card |
Plays withdrawn by the author: